10 Dinosaur Activities for Toddlers

Since my boy is totally into dinosaur, I also love and enjoy creating Dinosaur arts and crafts, and drafting fun activities for dinos.

A handful of Dinosaur toys can be great learning and exciting too.

Here is a list of some of the interesting fun easy activities.

  1. Hand Print Dino

When i first tried it with my little boy, we both just loved it and got hooked to it. Get more colorful hand and foot print ideas here.


Download Dinosaur Activity Sheets

2. Clay Dino and the whole Dino clan

Clay dough has numerous benefits including sensory, motor skills development along with enhancing creativity and imagination. Find more clay dough crafts here.

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3. Paper Plate Dino

This craft comes out super interesting as the toddler gets to stick the Dino’s neck, tail and legs and then color it with the colors he wishes it to be.


4. Dino Jumping

This activity is great for practicing hand-eye coordination and keeps toddler busy for hours. It is very very easy to set-up. Simply stick a ruler on the top of a box and the let the dinos jump and dive.


5. Sensory Play with Cloud Dough

To add more fun to the Dino jumping game, I prepared this easy quick DIY home-made Cloud Dough. The Dinos would jump from the box into this dough and then boy needs to brush off the flour and clean the dinos. Get the recipe of Cloud Dough here.




6. Dino Bubble Bath

One more fun activity which I think every toddler would love is bubble bath. The Dino can jump from the top of the box to a bubble bath. Just add some liquid soap or baby shampoo to water in a box and let the Dinos swim. Later the baby can clean them with clear water and make them dry.

What fun!!



7. Color Sorting and counting

It’s a fun way to learn colors and numbers and sorting when it has dinos included in the game. We just need few colorful cups or bowls or even sorting cups will do.


8. Dino Dinner time

It’s a jungle out there..



9. Frozen Dino Eggs

Cute mini dinos can be frozen in ice trays and it’s exciting to break the cubes and free the dinos with hammer.


10. Free Play

Free play is very important for concept and cognitive development and also enhances imagination.


According to my boy, this is Stegosaurus. Don’t miss its neck, face, spikes on back, claws and tail.. love the detailing!!




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